Reported and described by Sijuan
Range mobs behavior, pretty much everywhere.
Like topic title says, this is an issue with pretty much all range mobs, in instances or in open world.
And while in o…
Smth very wrong with this item.....
Git reported by a player with a druid char about the fact that it's buff do-sent apply wile in moon-kind form it seems it get's removed because of the moon-kind buf…
Murloc Lurker/ id 732
using backstab http://www.wowhead.com/spell=7159 (quite a large list of npc using this lowly spell if u scroll down)
General issue ...haven't seen one npc that has back…
Cannot be summoned because Nexus-Prince Shaffar's Stasis Chamber is missing
Also Yor is Friendlly
U go talk to his twin and nothin'
No timer! no nothing when u complete it..
every time i try to mount with my rogue wile i am in stealth : "you are in shapeshift form"
Paladin quest quest=1651
Issue is with npc Daphne Stilwell /npc=6182
When u complete the quest the npc ask's you to wait near the orchard till it puts the gun away..
he goes..he comes..when she arrive…
Torne algum MiniGame mais suculento e delicioso, com animações, efeitos de partículas, efeitos sonoros e bastante _feedback_ para o jogador.
O que é um jogo suculento?
- [Palestra](https://www.googl…
Crie uma animação para ser exibida quando o jogador consegue concluir com sucesso todas as fases no modo campanha, em vez de simplesmente aparecer o texto na tela. Uma animação de gameover foi criada …