Updated my databse and new version of armfinder is not working: The BLAST database for AMRProt was not found. Use amrfinder -u to download and prepare database for AMRFinderPlus: No such file or direc…
I am trying to get Cert Manager (with Let's Encrypt) to issue a wild card cert using DNS01 and the Civo webhook on my K8S cluster on Civo. I have Istio installed and the secret containing th…
👋 from [Gitpod](https://www.gitpod.io/blog/gitpod-for-opensource),
Your open-source project was one of the competition entrants at [DevX Conf](https://www.gitpod.io/blog/devxconf-2022-wrap) and the…
It seems that you don't have github action that can achieve same thing as okteto deploy. Can you add it to this action since it says it does that in documentation (I think cli API changed) or create a…
👋 from [Gitpod](https://www.gitpod.io/blog/gitpod-for-opensource),
Your open-source project was one of the competition entrants at [DevX Conf](https://www.gitpod.io/blog/devxconf-2022-wrap) and the…
Something like this: https://shabad-os-theme-tool-3m9jkes5d.now.sh/
From: https://vercel.com/