## Steps to reproduce:
1. Add dataset "Crimes - 2001 to Present"
2. Add a filter with the "date" column and choose any date
3. Click "Get Data"
## Result
User receives an error message:
Some notes from UTURN regarding documentation:
I noticed the screenshots were from earlier versions with older images, not Mapbox. Also, there is mention of saved queries, which are not available…
UTURN has made the help button and a portion of the help menu context configurable in chicago.opengrid.io. This needs to be pushed to opengrid.io
UTURN currently disables the login screen. In an effort to not have two separate code bases (opengrid.io and chicago.opengrid.io) we would need to test the admin functionality with the toggle off. H…
The Socrata API returns 1000 rows at a time by default, and RSocrata currently leaves the default in place. Increasing it to return 50,000 rows will allow for faster paging through large datasets.
We need to have the Manage Queries link removed from the Find Data Panel. It's confusing to an user and doesn't serve a purpose within the panel. Site: chicago.opengrid.io
**Current Image**
We need to update the documentation in the docs folder for the new configuration options in milestone 1.3.1. Once this is complete, @nfspeedypur to release this milestone in production.
All carpet plots on the website are clear blue. This probably has something to do with the recent version updates
Chicago.opengrid.io has the heat map as configurable. UTURN needs to push this code to opengrid.io.
Today, Chicago.opengrid.io does not have any admin functions. May need to look into making administrative features configurable. Check to see if Managed and Saved queries are tied to login flag.