This would allow scripting support, e.g.
todo list | ForEach-Item { todo complete --item-id $_.Id }
I use the Chocolatey MDT PowerShell wrapper to install multiple apps during an MDT OS deployment for Windows 10. When I install anyvideoconverter, the installation completes successfully--but it then …
### Environment
Windows builtin PowerShell
Name Value
---- -----
PSVersion 5.1.18362.145
It appears it's current incarnation requires points and clicks on a windows box. Is that correct?
Ideally a tool like this could be run from a command line so it could potentially be integrated int…
### SnowCLI version
### Python version
Python 3.11.9
### Platform
### What happened
Powershell redirects (e.g. command > file) by default encod…
This happens on Windows 7's PowerShell[1]:
[pypm] C:\Users\sridharr\as\pypm>go tmp
[pypm] C:\Users\sridharr\as\pypm>go ...
[pypm] C:\Users\sridharr\as\pypm>go ..
[pypm] C:\Users\sridharr\as\pypm>…
#### Issue Details
This [was identified](https://github.com/microsoft/PowerShellForGitHub/pull/200#issuecomment-639868838) by @X-Guardian as part of his verification for #200.
> Looking at `Invoke…
Please consider creating message strings for each instance of a rule violation (result).
A message string should contain enough information to enable a user to resolve the problem. It can include dy…
This happens on Windows 7's PowerShell[1]:
[pypm] C:\Users\sridharr\as\pypm>go tmp
[pypm] C:\Users\sridharr\as\pypm>go ...
[pypm] C:\Users\sridharr\as\pypm>go ..
[pypm] C:\Users\sridharr\as\pypm>…
The task elevated_shell.ps1 creates runs cmd.exe, which calls PowerShell with its outputs redirected. By having cmd.exe make the redirections, the files are encoded as OEM.
If we dropped the cmd st…
fmang updated
4 years ago