Set up auto-generated documentation using [Sphinx](http://sphinx-doc.org/index.html).
+ /usr/bin/python3 setup.py build_sphinx -b man --build-dir build/sphinx
running build_sphinx
Running Sphinx v4.1.2
making output directory... done
loading intersphinx inventory from h…
这几天准备编排部分翻译的书籍和文档,找了好些工具,最终定格在 Sphinx 上,并基于 [ReadTheDocs](https://readthedocs.org) 提供的 SaaS 服务进行分发和分享。本篇博客是对整个过程的一次记录和总结。
I might be being foolish, but I can see no way to generate the documentation using sphinx without Enki - for example, there is no example Makefile, nor actual instructions for generating the documenta…
... section 5.2.2. doesn't really get me any further.
In general I think that the Library documentation (which is equiv…
This C++ function is not parsed correctly by Breathe:
// One of the opening parens is dropped by Breathe.
MyTemplate broken_func();
This is the error message:
We currently use python type hints in docstrings (e.g. `arg_name (int): some argument`). For class types, we use ` ``Class`` ` or sometimes `` :class:`Class` ``. This is to make [sphinx](http://www.sp…
`make apidoc` gives the following error:
Bens-MacBook-Pro:docs bendichter$ make apidoc
In order not to have to write documentation for each and every function of the public API by hand, I propose using SPHINX. What do you think, @philsegeler ?
On building my packages I'm using `sphinx-build` command with `-n` switch which shows warmings about missing references. These are not critical issues.
Here is the output with warnings: