thanks for releasing your code !
Btw, have you by any chance tried implementing your CEM method on SAC algorithm?
thanks !
I noticed in your code you only check if the average of the last 10 episodes are above 300. But on the leaderboard page it requires that the last 100 episode average is above 300. Did you test it with…
I'm using Python 3.4 and PyTorch 0.4 on Mac OS X; running
`python main.py --env HalfCheetah-v1 --policy_name DDPG`
results in:
(my_root) sbhupatiraju@instance-11:~/ddpg/TD3$ python main…
I have attempted to run the TD3 example script from the rlkit-gpu Docker image with no success. I had to modify the TD3 example script slightly because I dont have a Mujoco license, so it instead runs…
I tried running the code with HalfCheetah and commented out the wrappers.Monitor(...) line and any line that rendered the result. I get the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.p…