So far Peer.js works in react-native. I have only the problem as soon as I want to send a message that the connection is broken and gives me the following error:
**DC #: dc_6igjvuv7fhg Error when s…
Hello Muaz, I love your website/repositories/experiments! I was wondering about which library to choose: I am a game developer looking to make a network game for 2 to 4 players. Since my games are …
Looking through the DataChannel.hpp channel types, there doesn't seem to be an unreliable option. Perhaps I am mis-understanding what webRTC means by unreliable -- is "reliable_unordered" what I am lo…
Here's what an ideal networking setup would look like to me (someone doesn't know much about networking):
Firstly, we'd connect to some bootstrap nodes and get connected to the libp2p dht via webrt…
hi, learning webRTC on the fly.. any ideas on how to incorporate the RTCDataChannel?
looks like it needs an RTCPeerConnection but you're using ARDAppClient?
Hey @fd wondering what the status here is?
What is WebRTC: https://hpbn.co/webrtc/
## WebRTC performance
_WIP: @olizilla - need more sources, and numbers on the performance issue_
- **Why**: WebRTC is the in-browser p2p api, but conne…
Hi, this wasm lib work to Nodejs ? Nodejs not support native webrtc. I can extend functionality with this library for nodejs ?