If `RECFM=FBA` and `LRECL=80` for the dataset and there are any lines in the file that are 80 characters long, the last character gets truncated on upload, resulting in the following error from the z/…
using below code m i'm getting Failed to initialize secure credential manager , any idea whats wrong ?
import { ProfileInfo } from "@zowe/imperative";
import { GetJobs } from "@zowe…
**Is your feature or enhancement request related to a problem or limitation? Please describe**
When an APIML token expires, a REST request fails and the user is directed to login again.
Following (incomplete) configuration:
ZOSMF_HOST: example.com # Let's suppose this is valid
ZOSMF_PORT: 1234 # Let's suppose this is valid
Site: [zowe docs-site](https://docs.zowe.org/stable/user-guide/cli-configuringcli/)
Missing Variables:
- ZOWE_APP_MASK_OUTPUT (https://github.com/zowe/imperative/pull/691)
In the JOBS SYSOUT, accented characters like "é" or "è" are replaced by "{" or "}".
Yet these characters are displayed fine in a file opened in VSCODE
How to apply code page 1147 to the SYSOUT of JO…
## Development environment used
- Z Open Editor version:
- Editor Platform
- [*] Visual Studio Code
- [ ] Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces
- [ ] Eclipse Che
- [ ] Standalone Theia
## Cause
`require.main` is undefined in the Node.js REPL and in ESM environments, causing an unhandled TypeError to occur before Imperative can finish initializing the default credential manager.
I'd like to see support in vim for directly editing a z/OS dataset. Currently, the interfaces for editing datasets are splintered between ISPF, ZOSMF, vscode, and scriptable editing through tools like…
**Describe the bug**
I am unable to copy and paste Files and Directories on USS for Zowe Explorer 3.0.0 for both zOSMF and RSE profiles. I am getting an error: `Error uploading files TypeError: t…