When viewing Django template files (such at this [1]) in the source
browser the syntax highlighting makes the code extremely difficult to
read. Pygments supports Django template highlighting[2], a…
When viewing Django template files (such at this [1]) in the source
browser the syntax highlighting makes the code extremely difficult to
read. Pygments supports Django template highlighting[2], a…
When viewing Django template files (such at this [1]) in the source
browser the syntax highlighting makes the code extremely difficult to
read. Pygments supports Django template highlighting[2], a…
* pypugjs version: 5.9.12
* Django version: 5.0
* Python version: 3.12
* Operating System: Kali Linux
### Description
I have a Django project. I wanted to use pypugjs as well. I also use [tem…
[`django-allauth` 0.58 includes the following change](https://docs.allauth.org/en/latest/release-notes/recent.html#id21):
> Refactored the built-in templates, with the goal of being able to adjust th…
I really like the approach of django-cotton and dj-angles, where they take what looks like a custom HTML element and do some compilation in a template loader and swap the custom elements out for plain…
This might be a bit of a stupid question, but I've looked and haven't been able to find the right solution.
I'm wanting to customize the template for displaying form fields on my website so that it a…
Notes on my work for [Ticket 27106](https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/27106)
When viewing Django template files (such at this [1]) in the source
browser the syntax highlighting makes the code extremely difficult to
read. Pygments supports Django template highlighting[2], a…
When viewing Django template files (such at this [1]) in the source
browser the syntax highlighting makes the code extremely difficult to
read. Pygments supports Django template highlighting[2], a…