@seabre mentioned getting pizza from Mr. T's, they have some gluten-free and vegan friendly cheese options which may be awesome for anyone that has dietary constraints that we may have in the future.
During training I got following error:
`darknet_cl.exe detector train .\domino_training\obj.data .\cfg\yolov2-tiny-ocl.cfg .\domino_training\yolov2-tiny.conv.13`
`Region Avg IOU: 0.209439…
Using Apache HttpClient is certainly not _bad_, and it does a lot of heavy lifting, but it could be helpful to remove the dependency and use the raw Java objects instead.
At least provide a link to a google search of the label.
There's a problem building a query by form if the form's name is different from its alias, as in 'Main form | fmMain':
Drop-down to select forms shows the 'real' form names, but obviously the field s…
After trying to install for a couple of days now I still do not have a working system. To get the site working I have to hardcode all the links in the theme. I then get the error that the application …
I think that extracting meta data from url could be implemented in this extension.
But according to the guide, users should implement that logic in their own server.
I am just curious that there is …
Hi have a problem with my bat file and need help :(
Here is the error message:
SyncNotes2Google has started.
Start notes-to-google to google-to-notes synchronization.
Something in the stack requests reflective access, and it's not alleviated by wrapping the whole thing in an AccessController block.
A class extending RunJavaAddin generates an exception about Jakarta.mail class.
Optional item = doc.getFirstItem("Details");
if(item.isPresent()) {
switch …