In order to make the the Sample App tutorial more engaging and visually appealing for the readers, and also to celebrate the recent publishing our Knative's new friend: Kuack, I am proposing hope inco…
## Adding a Dataset
- **Name:** Multiface dataset
- **Description:** f high quality recordings of the faces of 13 identities, each captured in a multi-view capture stage performing various facial ex…
#BMVC2018 submission
URL: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.03869.pdf
Keyword: Deep Covariance Descriptor
Interest: 2
### Summary
By performing the classification of the facial expressions using G…
Imagine examining a guy, and you see all of the usual stuff; yellow gloves, toolbelt, jumpsuit, PDA, facehugger, etc. But at the end of the examination, you see "He looks bored" (or perhaps something …
Can't even do facial bones when rigifying?
Granularity cannot be achieved with things like choosing to only load hand presets rather than pose because the whole pose is saved.
Implementing this should be as simple as just loading skipped da…
I am working on a problem which requires animating finger movements and facial expressions. Hence, I am using [PIXIE](https://pixie.is.tue.mpg.de/index.html), which uses the SMPL-X model. However, PIX…
WARNING:[auto-llm]:[][AutoLLM][getReq][llm_text_ur_prompt]A superstar Flirting on stage.
WARNING:[auto-llm]:[][AutoLLM][getReq][Header]{'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer lm…
Great Project, thank you for sharing
1. May i ask you, what is the input and output data in this project? Would be the output as a mesh?
2. and what is the definition of canonical space, geometry…