The file shobj-conf in your project is released under the GPL-3.0-or-later license. According to the GPL-3.0 license, the overall project also needs to be released under GPL-3.0-or-later license. The …
lnav has a dependency on readline. If it is linking to readline, that means lnav needs to have a GPL license as well. See here for more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Readline#Choice…
The GPL license declares _corresponding source_ to include all source code that is required to **run** the object code.
GPL 라이센스를 추가하였습니다
I hate to bring this up, but I noticed you're linking against Dulwich, which is licensed under GPLv2+. This would mean that pyvcs would need to be licensed under GPL as well.
Which is unfortunate, be…
It would be great if the license would be GPL compatible.
The 3-clause BSD license is not, due to the "advertise" clause.
### the page
- https://www.virtualmin.com/docs/faq/#how-do-i-upgrade-from-gpl-to-pro
- https://github.com/virtualmin/virtualmin.com/blob/main/content/docs/faq.md
### Downgrade to pro suggestion
commits are from 2019-6-17, when zerotier was still GPL, but they transitioned to BSL license on 2019-10-30, which is a…
### Model Name
Chemical space 2D projections against DrugBank
### Model Description
This tool performs PCA and UMAP projections taking the DrugBank chemical space as a reference. The Ersilia Compou…
This project is also found here from the same author:
On the Unity Asset Store the project is slightly…