I am getting this error while writing this line
imageView.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: url[index]), placeholder: UIImage.init(named: "defaultImage"), options: [.transition(.fade(1))], progressBloc…
### Check List
Thanks for considering to open an issue. Before you submit your issue, please confirm these boxes are checked.
- [ X ] I have read the [wiki page](https://github.com/onevcat/Kingf…
* carthage install method: [ ] .pkg, [X] homebrew, [ ] source
* `which carthage`: /usr/local/bin/carthage
* `carthage version`: 0.31.1
* `xcodebuild -version`: Xcode 10.0 | Build version 10A255
* …
- https://www.yld.io/case-study/central-working-changing-how-you-work/
- https://www.yld.io/case-study/kingfisher-support-scale-adapt/
You can use https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to check.…
hi, I encountered an ena-ftp download problem, that is, the fq file I downloaded is missing base values, all of them are?. But I switched to prefetch, which is normal. Has anyone ever encountered this…
Hi everyone,
Kingfisher is an awesome library, but I can't seem to implement the following:
In order to resolve a slow/jittery UICollectionView on initial scrolling, I checked out Time Profiler …
Can any one help me I have face issue on Accelerate. I user Latest xcode 13 beta.
Failed to build module 'Accelerate'; this SDK is not supported by the compiler (the SDK is built with 'Appl…
xcode 15.2
Kingfisher (7.9.1)
### Check List
Thanks for considering to open an issue. Before you submit your issue, please confirm these boxes are checked.
- [x] I have read the [wiki page](https://github.com/onevcat/Kingfis…
### Issue Description
#### What
When a SwiftUI KFImage is used with "startLoadingBeforeViewAppear()", the image will always load the next run loop, which causes the placeholder to show and the U…