### Description
const requestify = require('requestify');
const Kestra = require('@kestra-io/libs');
function GetDockerIm…
void report() {
JsonDocument jDocReport;
//sensors.requestTemperatures(); // Or else initial value of 85.
int t_flow = 40 + (n % 7); //sensors.getTemp(1);
jDocReport["flow"] = t_flow;
I would like to have the ability to auto prompt for webauthn instead of having to provide a username. Is this currently possible?
### Frontend
- [x] fix archive open
- [x] duplicate the flow [frontend]
- [x] brainstorm on items, tree, search, search results
- [x] fix the endpoints
- [x] Tag to prefix migration
- [x] Prefix…
### Description
NetworkObjects spawned inside a scene are spawned before the scene is loaded on late-joining clients using Distributed Authority.
### Reproduce Steps
1. Clients A & B enter ma…
I follow [these example scripts](https://github.com/HaixinShi/fmov_pose?tab=readme-ov-file#running) and face the following error:
Hello FMOV
Use global conf...
Load data: Begin
scale_mats_np …
### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Now that flow returns unpublished flows in List Flows, we can remove a bunch of the complexity in the load of this page to make it f…
After cloned the master repo, install Formsflow Helmchart using follwoing procedure
~/forms-flow-ai-charts/scripts$ bash install-forms-flow.sh
Install using forms-flow package registry? (y/n…
python web_demo.py --tokenizer-path THUDM/glm-4-voice-tokenizer --model-path THUDM/glm-4-voice-9b --flow-path ./glm-4-voice-decoder
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/d/Dropbox/Develop…
### Reproducible Example
import pandapower as pp
import pandapower.networks as pn
from pandapower.toolbox import merge_nets
net = pn.case9241pegase()
net = merge_nets(n…