- [x] Name of the event
- [x] Video promo (team: chillzone / Arashi / Altered)
- [x] Poster (@jack-perlman point person)
- [x] Booths (@madjin point person)
- [ ] Worlds (Everyone)
_**iExec Developer Rewards & Grants Program**_
**Project name:**
SuperRender is a blockchain based permission less, decentralized rendering platform. We are currently
This happens when we teleport to a Serverless domain or when we reload the cache, but randomly...
The content of the serverless domain get load in double.
You can see this by opening the create App…
If you are disconnected from the metaverse. and still have a valide "AccountInfo.bin" file in Roaming Interface (for any reasons.. like a crash)
You are considered not logged in by interface, but the…
Consider adding such categories as "NFT", "Metaverse", "Gambling", "Crowdfunding", "Society", "DNS", "Mesh Networking", "Nodes" and "Mining"
Original: https://bitcountry.medium.com/develop-a-parallel-career-in-metaverse-af6d6c8385c3
Translate: https://cugutalexei.medium.com/%D1%81%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82%D0%B5-c%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1…
Russian article
Develop a parallel career in Metaverse, translated into Thai languageg by Polygon#1127
Bring to mona 3d paddleboard collection, issue unique NFT for participants like i did in hackfs 2023
Format glb and gltf
Mint on Mona with ai assisted aimint
Mint aquametaverse 3d paddleboards
This is a wealth Revolution for the whole Universe, let's the world get in, and let's start to explore the world of Metaverse. Welcome to the Future with Uhive