**Sub-lineage of**: AY.4, Clade 21J (3004 sequences)
**Earliest sequence**: 2021/2/9 (Slovakia)
**Most recent sequence**: 2021/10/14 (Germany)
**Countries circulating**: the Netherland…
Regarding to the lineage 1 proposed by @c19850727 in issue #206
Circulating countries: Ghana , Togo, Denmark,
Key Mutations
ORF1b: M2414I
N: P151S
Nucleotide: G20709T, C28724T
# Feature request
## Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Since Next.js 9.5 we started to receive the following warnings during build:
**Sub-lineage of**: AY.9 (29604 sequences)
**Earliest sequence**: 2021/1/9 (Slovakia)
**Most recent sequence**: 2021/10/20 (Belgium)
**Countries circulating**: Wide-spread, with higher…
While i was checking my other proposed sublineage of AY.4 with Orf1a:T4083M in #332 , i spotted this sublineage of AY.122 carrying Orf1a:T4083M too.
Interestingly this sublineage has acquired S:Q613H…
**Sub-lineage of**: B.1.617.2, Clade 21J (~6.5K sequences)
Earliest sequence: 2021/2/1 (India)
**Most recent sequence**: 2021/10/12 (Denmark)
**Countries circulating**: fairly wi…
Using @fritzo's mutational fitness model to look for interesting lineages on a global Neherlab tree I spotted this lineage that is predicted to have a fitness advantage (by the mutations it contains).…
Observing the italian NeherLab build on nextstrain i noticed this sublineage with Orf1a:I4308T circulating very early in 2021 in Eastern Europe and Turkey then Germany More since there never died off …
This is an effort to fine-tune AY.39.1, the currently predominant lineage in Australia (~90% prevalence).
According to NeherLab:
https://hub.docker.com/r/neherlab/nextclade is now depreceated and updates are now at https://hub.docker.com/r/nextstrain/nextclade. This should be tested and used going forward.
JezSw updated
3 years ago