Mock up link: https://www.figma.com/design/Y1PWkuB8II5lxdDdUq67Aj/Electronic-Funds-Transfer?node-id=5907-12573&t=wH13yIWWMtaJLOhK-4
This is in preparation to handle interim statements better in: htt…
## Goal
| User story |
| As a Fleet contributor,
| I want the styles in the Fleet user interface to reflect the styl…
In order to prepare for the upgrade of Pendulum to Polkadot release 1.6.0, update the dependencies on this repository to [polkadot-sdk release v1.6.0](https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/releas…
## Goal
| User story |
| As an IT admin who exports host data from Fleet data into my asset management tool (ex. Servic…
Just adding the list of automatic policies associated with this software title to get software title details endpoint.
## Description
Documenting the third party tools that Notify to run the service and to make sure the list of [Other services used by GC Notify](https://notification.canada.ca/other-services) is up to …
**Fleet version**: 4.58.0
**Web browser and operating system**: n/a
### 💥 Actual behavior
If a sql query contains an aliased column, the UI will sort this as a string rather than a number …
Many tests have been skipped during refactoring, these should be reviewed.
1. check if they are still (somewhat) relevant: if not delete
2. are they very easy to fix: fix
3. otherwise: ticketize
**Yo como:** Medico de imagenología
**Quiero:** Que el software sea capaz de realizar una búsqueda por filtros (RUT mayormente y por maquinaria)
**Para:** Realizar una búsqueda en los datos que …
**Fleet version**: 4.58.0
**Web browser and operating system**: Any
### 💥 Actual behavior
An admin that is assigned to a specific Team encounters an error if they try to add a Fleet-maintained ap…