#254 and #653 are both examples of problems that could be solved using a real SQL parser in Python.
instead of showing this, lets parse the error message (and find the appropriate line …
gluon.contrib.feedparser is not Python 3.x compatible
### Bug description summary
Hi, this project is really cool!
I was just working on migrating R code written by a member of my team to Python, and there are some RDS files containing models which …
I've noticed that `parser_angular_default_level_bump` has been removed in 8.0.0 of Python Semantic Release. Previously we could set `parser_angular_default_level_bump=patch` to increment the…
**Minimal examples**
Consider the following ``.svh`` files:
`ifndef ___SYS_DEFS_SVH__
`define ___SYS_DEFS_SVH__
`timescale 1ns/100ps
`define FALSE 1'h0
`define TRUE 1'h1
typedef logic [31:…
pywikibot has a pure python template param extractor using regex, which behaves slightly different in corner cases to mwpfh.
pywikibot's mwpfh code is simply using "parsed_wikitext_obj.filter_templat…
I have been very impressed with https://typer.tiangolo.com/ as an argparse alternative for three reasons:
1. Pretty and colorful help - something ``rich-argparse`` also does
2. Pretty and colorful…
I have been trying without success to get sumy to work in Jupyter Notebook. But it is always throwing error for the Tokenizer.
Here is my Jupyter Notebook code:
!python -c "import nltk; n…
`urdf_parser_py` is a bit of a problematic dependency:
* On PyPI, a really old version of it is packaged (0.0.4, while the latest is 1.2.0) : https://pypi.org/project/urdf-parser-py/#files vs https:/…