@ViviYe mentioned that the kernel signatures have been commented from the header files in the SDAccel port.
There are calls like:
std::string binaryFile = xcl::find_binary_file(device_name,"g…
Could you provide an example for 2d image fft in SDAccel, given that it's a very common image processing operation?
Hi, I got the following error when calling IsEmpty() method after the HLSLIB_SYNTHESIS is set.
../../include/hlslib/xilinx/Stream.h:453:12: error: 'this' argument to member function 'empty' ha…
mksit updated
5 years ago
1. It is needed to rename platform to xilinx_kcu1500_dynamic_5_0 for SDAccel 2017.4
2. A lot of warnings like this "device/conv_pipe_xilinx.cl:680:708: warning: double precision constant requires c…
I tested your implementation in SDaccel, and i got ERROR: std::bad_alloc error during sw-emu,
seems somehow the problem is using deprecated APIs or bad allocating arrays in host side.
I am trying to migrate my SDAccel project from GUI to CMake buildsystem.
While trying to figure out how to use your CMake script, I noticed something weird was happening.
I have installed SDx2017…
| Benchmark | sw_emu | hw_emu | hw | Notes
| - | - | - | - | - |
| `machsuite-aes`| | |[works](http://ec2-54-234-195-6.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5000/jobs/FG5NZyo4K7s.html) |
| `machsuite-bac…
In section "**Hardware Execution**" of linked document,
`xocc -t hw_emu --platfor…
I put the image.dat,weights.dat and fc8.dat in the data folder, build and run the project in cpu emulation mode.The build process finishes successfully.However, when I attempt to run the exe file,it f…
In page SDAccel-Tutorials/docs/Pathway3/HardwareExec.md , the link of "build your first program." is broken.