AuScope has various data sources which perhaps should be added, eg:
We are having trouble loading two layers Surface Hydrology - Water Storage Water Bodies and Major Network Streams. Testing has shown that it is working when using other access options e.g. previous G…
Currently, we just average the points, which will be incorrect for some shapes (see http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/12120/calculate-midpoint-from-a-series-of-latitude-and-longitude-coordinates)…
We need to document the solution that @cmdcolin and @putmantime found for adding wikidata sparql tracks.
To support CSV/TSV/SSV uploads, we need an importer. This importer should generate a _FeatureCollection_ of _SimpleFeature_s. Each column should be one property in the feature. There is no data transf…
- **Device name:** Samsung Galaxy S6 edge
- **Android Version:** 5.1.1
- **App build number:** master-518
- **What did you expected to happen?** I should see my destination in the to/from box above th…
This capability might be part of geowave, or might be rolled as a separate project.
The base need is to provide the ability to export a geowave dataset (or subset of a dataset) to a single file, and …
(1) The Feature Namespace URI was used to force a namespace for all feature type loaded through GeoServer. The better alternative is to support changing the namespace during ingest. The only remaini…
Currently the autocomplete widget is using label + city + admin to populate the drop down list. @missinglink I am assuming this should use the label fie…
Here is a quick sketch of what we expect the window extractor to do:
Given a focus annotation, extract features on either side of or within the
focus annotation such that you can specify (optiona…