Apparently this doesn't work, the results file contains many entries with low confidence?
Hi again,
getting an exception with the following setup:
Ontop 4.0.3
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "t11" (s varchar(255) NOT NULL, o varchar(255) NOT NULL)
I use Plack 1.0047 and RDF::Endpont 0.10 on Perl 5.32.0 (macOS Catalina / CentOS7).
When launching `plackup endpoint.psgi` and accessing by `curl http://localhost:5000/`, I got the following response…
When trying to run the QuerySystem like so
import java.io.File
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple
import org.apache.jena.riot.Lang
import org…
[INFO] --- maven-shade-plugin:3.0.0:shade (default) @ rdf4j-storage-light ---
[INFO] Including org.eclipse.rdf4j:rdf4j-http-client:jar:2.3.2 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Excluding org.apache.httpc…
We are using an Rdf4j SPARQLRepository to access a remote Blazegraph server and query it. If we use rdf4j 2.2, this works as expected. However, if you use rdf4j 2.3 or newer, this does not work and q…
The values of some of the Standard Report statistics are not as expected. I checked some of these values by searching the ppd website and they are not exactly the same as those in the standard reports…
The `Queries.MODIFY().delete()` method in the SPARQL Builder only accepts `TriplePatterns`, so building a query like the following, which is valid according to the Update grammar, is not possible with…
AND and OR expressions should be parenthesized by the SPARQL query builder to allow controlling their precedence.
Consider this code:
GraphPattern pattern = VAR_SUBJECT.has(labe…
**When I try to run the following code**
`from bioservices import *`
`u = UniProt()`
`u.mapping("ACC", "KEGG_ID", 'P43403')`
**The returned object looks very weird.**