Thanks for your useful repo.
Is there a way to use SwiftTheme with SwiftUI?
Hi OfTheWolf,
This package looks great!
Is there any way to integrate it into an app with SwiftUI?
Maybe using UIViewControllerRepresentable?
I can't seem to find any package delivering t…
Wouldn't happen to have a working SwiftUI version? Great job by the way 👍
目前查询窗口的刷新存在一些问题 https://github.com/tisfeng/Easydict/issues/541 ,CPU 占用高,刷新动画不流畅等问题,虽然通过限制刷新频率 https://github.com/tisfeng/Easydict/pull/548 大大缓解了 stream 请求导致界面卡顿情况,但这种方式治标不治本,也不利于后续优化,因此决定直接使用 SwiftUI …
The solution doesn't work on iOS 18, I'm in the process of figuring out why, but will throw this issue in just in case some good samaritan has already done it and would like to share the fix :))
After using Objective-C for 10 years, 5 of them with YapDatabase, I'm just starting to get into SwiftUI.
Did anyone of you find out a good way to bind YapDatabase as the "data source" (or whatever …
**Describe the bug**
The app crashes during navigation when using MapLibre Native iOS with specific conditions:
- User is in followUserCourse mode
- Map is pinched to adjust pitch level around 50 degr…
Any chance you'd be porting this over to SwiftUI? I've attempted to wrap it in a `NSViewRepresentable`, but I've had no luck due to incorrect sizing causing clipping
Seeing as SwiftUI is reaching the point where it's becoming generally usable with iOS 14, we're going to need to adapt our templates to support it.
Users have been asking about this:
- Assets supp…
First of all, great work on the framework 👍
Are you planning to extend it with a SwiftUI version that uses a `Representable`? 🤔