**_User Story_**
AS a New Orcahome user I WANT to be able to easily navigate through the page and find relevant links SO THAT I can complete my goal without having to read the all the text on the page…
## Issue regarding the website
- [ ] I've checked that this isn't a duplicate issue.
Hello there I have checked your website and I think it's a dope website to be in the world of developers
Hey guys.
I'd like to replace that horrible crap website we currently have by something better since too long now. So I jumped in the train, created a git repository, coded, coded, coded, made some…
Give a new logo to the website, drop your idea here first.
On Safari it looks like this
_**User Story**_
AS an Orcahome user I WANT to select links on the Main Home Page SO THAT I can navigate to webpages that the links point to.
The intent of this story is to link all…
***User Story***
**AS** a New Orcahome user **I WANT** to see an easy to read webpage when I navigate to the Orcasound "Donate" page **SO THAT** I can easily donate to Orcasound's efforts.
***User Story***
**AS** a New Orcahome user **I WANT** to see an easy to read webpage when I navigate to the Orcasound website **SO THAT** I can get an easy introduction to the organization.
**Objective**: Revamp the design of the homepage card to make it more engaging and visually appealing. The new design should attract users with a modern, dynamic look and enhance their interest in exp…
The content is initially summarized from the meeting, and eventually expanded with replies on this thread.
The redesign is proposed as a full rewrite while moving away from Ember.
### Motivation…