MTOM Interop Tests - wsit-nightly-1-4-20080830+GF-91_02
with MS 3.5 endpoints
tango2indigo (S->M)
Details for failed test/tests with errors:
Critical Error:
All Interop Scenario1 s-m-m, s-s-m, s-m-s are failing.
1)Interop Scenario 1 - Client_SUN STS_MS Server_MS.testMain
2)Interop Scenario 1 - Client_SUN STS_MS Server_SUN.testMain
3)Interop Scenario 1 - C…
Secured one-way and request-reply variants of RM ver. 1.0 fail with
new yinyang.india endpoints which have been deployed using newest MS WCF drop.
Corresponding non-secured or RM 1.1 variants pass nor…
WSA Interop 109 errors against MS 3.5 endpoints using metro 1.3 anf GF
Critical Error interop-109 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00% 00:00.00
Critical Error interop-ejb 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00% 00:00.00
* Executor:
* M…
#### Comment too long. Imported partially
MTOM Interop Tests - JSR 109 EJB deployment and MTOM Interop Tests - JSR 109
Servlet deployment using metro 1.3 and GF
Test Suite IndigoClient
Details for f…
I'm trying to run k-means on 7,732,159 samples in 128 dimensions into 10000 clusters on an AWS p2.xlarge instance which has 12 GB of GPU memory and am getting this error message:
arguments: 1 …
Interoperability tests with MS NET-3.5 yinyang.india endpoint show faulted
session because of response header (request-reply only).
WSA interop test 1147 fails in Tango->Indigo mode.
A Tango client sends a request[1] with no wsa:Action header, and expects a
"MessageAddressingHeaderRequired" fault. But the MS service is sending an…
scenarios Trust jsr109
Soap Log
trying MS server....
Sep 16, 2009 6:22:22 PM [com.sun.xml.ws.policy.jaxws.Po…
Soap Log
trying MS server....
Sep 16, 2009 4:26:31 PM [com.sun.xml.ws.policy.jaxws.PolicyConfigParser] parse
INFO: WSP5018: Loaded WSIT configuratio…