At first I ran `script/for_all_test_apps bundle install` to install all necessary dependencies without getting any errors. If I try to run `script/for_all_test_apps bundle exec rake` afterwards, I'll …
Hi there,
Just wondering if there's a method similar to capybara's [save and open page](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/jnicklas/capybara/Capybara%2FSession%3Asave_and_open_page). That method is very…
Hey @ajbouh, long time no see, this project looks great.
Tried to run it against our main app's minitest suite but got an error. Maybe has something to do with the fact that we don't use `rake test`…
Teaspoon is a javascript test runner, and it supports using capybara-webkit as the driver. The capybara-webkit support was added via a PR, and a few people added some additional information that conso…
Here is my capyabra integration with parallel specs:
it should work out of the box, maybe it's useful for others
test_env_number = ENV["TEST_ENV_NUMBER"].to_i
Capybara.server_port = …
It is literally impossible to test material ui using capybara+selenium-webdriver
- [x] This is a v1.x issue.
- [x] I have searched the [issues](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/issues) …
CamJN updated
9 months ago
I've got the following error:
> WARN: Screenshot could not be saved. An exception is raised: #.
Here is my temporary solution:
# features/env.rb
# ....
### Actual output
Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_css 'a', text: 'Link Name', visible: :all
Could not find node with given id
It currently has a dependency specifying rspec-core 2.99.0. It would be great to allow 3 to work now, as long as it doesn't have any side effects.
I need to specify several options to Capybara::Webkit. In an rspec config file for acceptance tests, this would look like
Capybara::Webkit.configure do |config|