Hi. I use CEP SQL like every(1) followed by 2. ( every(1)->2 )
The input data like below:
And my expect output is:
But the actual output is only:
### Comment:
Almost every time I'm in this directory looking for the CEP cookbook, I think I'm going to find it in this documentation folder: CEP-Resources/Documentation/
The only things in that directory are a…
Essa dúvida do Angular aí me despertou a curiosidade caso não seria bom a gnt ter uma página dedicada à documentação (que é muito simples) pro projeto.
1 - Adicionar uma página estática cheia dos p…
I would prefer if you would connect to the Microsoft Certificate Services CEP/CES instead of the HTTP website. Because the authentication with client certificate or Kerberos would be more secure. And …
A consulta não funciona para valores de CEP que foram desmembrados pelo correio.
Semelhante issue em:
At this moment, we don't have any CEP service to fill empty inputs in product registration. I propose that we study CEP services (I really suggest Correios Web Services) and try to implement consideri…
## Resources
- https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/FQRACw
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeQHa3Z-d-A
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAE7E-QEAvk&t=791s
## Summary
CassandraでStrict Se…
When trying to use cep as a number, validation does not work, because the validation is checking for `value.length`.
We could add a `toString()` before checking `length`.
Want to back t…
I am a second-year graduate student majoring in laser science. Recently,pulse propagation in the presence of quantum noise has been generalized to waveguides with arbitrary frequency-dependent…