Manual modeling of data fbx is required to slice and convert it into 3dtiles. Use cesiumLab (download link: https://www.bjxbsj.cn/downcenter.html )This tool can be converted to 3dtiles1.1 (gltf) and 3…
Example: Trafalgar Square ( `tiles.setLatLonToYUp(51.507500 * MathUtils.DEG2RAD, -0.128100 * MathUtils.DEG2RAD);` )
- In `3DTilesRendererJS` elevation seems to be roughly at ~ 55 meters.
it said osgearth can show mesh from Cesium ion by modify the earth file
but how to show the quan…
When using the Viewer component in Resium there is a message on the the bottom saying
"_This application is using Cesium's default ion access token. Please assign Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken_..."
Hello. I am trying to follow the documentation to just get started, specifically just trying to [initialize a viewer](https://s3xysteak.github.io/cesium-use/composables/useViewer.html). When I tried t…
I really appreciate and enjoy the use of the new “CesiumCartographicPolygon” feature
Similarly, do we have any tool available to flatten certain areas inside a polygon similar to the feature av…
can you enhence the tools , support convert osgb to b3dm?
the oblique photography has point cloud data and B3dm, pnts display has problem. Display normal in cesiumjs.
May I ask what needs to be done?
I try to package a android app with Cesium. 3d tiles model is true origin coordinate, I choose True Origin mode in CesiumGeoreference, and seturl use local path "file:///c:/tileset/tileset.json". It…