Adding number as dashboard name reflects change in data of fragments.
Once that the retentions options is running, if the cellphone is changed to landscape the following error take place:
05-16 23:27:10.843 14532-14532/ar.com.tzulberti.testing E/AndroidRuntime: …
Plugin version 3.0.11
Unity version 2021.3.37f
I'm experimenting with caching using my dev server and apparently it looks like there is an issue with age of cache. At lease this is what …
What this package does different is to render text between latex delimiters as `LaTeX` and leave the rest, similiar to what `katex/auto-render` does, that's why it would be better to change package na…
### Description
`RegisterForActivityResult` does not work correctly with `MauiAppCompatActivity`.
I think the issue lies in [these two lines](https://github.com/dotnet/maui/blob/8940dce6391c13b…
Can you please add a option to get the count of pills remaining and refill alert. It would be great if you could add this feature
Issue created from [fantomas-online](https://fsprojects.github.io/fantomas-tools/#/fantomas/main?data=N4KABGBEDGD2AmBTSAuKEOY8MAHATrAOb4CGAtmAO4CWALgBYA6Adlu1gMKksBKiAVwDOiAGo1EVMAF4wAIVj5CVRPiHjJAC…
Currently in the specs, the out-of-band messages are defined as a URI query parameter:
`The _oob query parameter is required and is reserved to contain the DIDComm message string.`
Hello, i'm kind new to this stuff, so i need some help
How do i make to implement hide()/show() on fragment switch on 'Changing Fragments' example?
The switch method:
public void switchContent(F…
**Activity, AppCompatActivity, FragmentActivity, and ActionBarActivity: When to Use Which?**
Activity is the baseline. Every activity inherits from Activity, directly or indirectly.