### Provide a general summary of the feature here
When using the [ComboBox](https://react-spectrum.adobe.com/react-aria/ComboBox.html#content), it's quite a common pattern that hitting the 'enter' ke…
Recommendation https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.2/examples/combobox/combobox-select-only.html
### Description
Update the component mapping metadata at the bottom of the following skin modules' .marko files to ensure that we are passing accurate information about component availability to our …
### Summary
We currently have a primitive componente called Combobox that makes it easier to implement components related to this interaction. However, there are no design resources to guide a Combob…
Configuration: one module is inserted into the second slot from CPU. According to MB manual this is slot A2. But ZenTimings displays it as B2 in the bottom left "combobox". See debug report in the att…
### Provide your feedback here.
When the ComboBox or Select component have a bit more items, they easily become laggy, because the full list re-renders on a single item hover. This makes them not sca…
[Forum post](https://forum.bryntum.com/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=30247&p=153494#p153494)
The Month combobox is only accessible using mouse. It is not focusable using the keyboard, hence Accessibility Te…
It is a bit strange to me that the ComboBox and SelectingItemsControl only search in realized items, why not to search in all items?
Use case is Font ComboBox with 1000+ Google Fonts.
Quick solu…
_This issue has been moved from [a ticket on Developer Community](https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/WPF-ComboBox-SelectedItedm-NULL-/10703017)._
[severity:It bothers me. A fix would b…
Reported in https://github.com/phetsims/states-of-matter/issues/343.
The is a general problem with ComboBox, occurring on all platforms.
Steps to reproduce in SOM:
1. Run the sim in Studio