As a filmmaker using FontAwesome icons to link to assorted creative social networking profiles, I'd love an icon for Creative District, Technicolor's relatively new networking site whose grant program…
# Summary
Essentially, the OS on my Mac is too old and Brew does not support it when I try to run it. Wondering if I could use the tutorial computers to get the practical sessions done? I do have a P…
Full details in #2838 - about the unexpected game mode switch **and** having no visual clue about the creative mode being active.
In the long run, [Minetest should support multiple game modes](http…
Peer-Review HW-02 for Stannam
Topic | Excellent | Satisfactory | Needs Work |
Hi Jan, I am curious with your scripting way for Blender, I checked the JSON example, it seems amazing that it can generate the animation, without keyframes, but I feel that it needs a simpler example…
I'm learning processing and...
is possible to use processing sketch into ofxPiMapper (without encoded them into video?)
Would be great if we have more taxon photos to choose, CONABIO have around 71,799 ++ , all them have a water mark and copy right license (CONABIO/author).
![mgaves 1795 eupherusa cyanophrys…
The intro to py5 and python tutorials have coding challenges at the end of each of them, but there is no answer key. Should there be one? Should it be on github?
hx2A updated
6 months ago
## Why?
Running a QuietSpaceTM for Creative Professionals means having monitors _available_ for people. Keeping those monitors consistent is _essential_ for guaranteeing quality.
Also, having a ["…
Why are load clauses in define-foreign-library are not evaluated?
The need to know the paths at coding time is inconvenient. For example, it took some creative thinking to come up with a solution tha…