List of interesting URLs from which I have drawn some of my knowledge.
The realisation of FAIR data relies on, at minimum, the following essential components: policies, DMPs, identifiers, standards and repositories. There need to be registries cataloguing each component …
sjDCC updated
6 years ago
@nathangibson @davidamichelson @dlschwartz
Any thoughts about this saint's sex?
I am intrigued and puzzled.
Hi jlord and all other contributors,
This git-it is a very nice idea. Congratulations!
I would like to use your tool for a git course in the public university of Lund, Sweden. Very likely I'll p…
## DH 501 Assignment
A design brief is a short document (from a paragraph to a page) that articulates a problem and a general approach to addressing the problem (it sets the scope of the proble…
RJP43 updated
5 years ago
I'm trying to code `http://www.hrionline.ac.uk/mwm/browse?type=ms&id=118` (where "MWM" is Manuscripts of the West Midlands). However the ampersand in @target does not validate. If I change it to `…
@davidamichelson @dlschwartz @jsaintlauren
Somewhat similar to literary traditions (https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/issues/463), we need to show the relation between parts of works and the …
Please reply with your name and affiliation as a response to this issue so we can add you to to the proper group. Thanks! We will then add you to the private repositories and teams.
I imagine one point of criticism about the project is that given an enough powerful NN you would always be able to overfit the training set and recreate substantial parts of that data through uninster…
**[ Project Lead ]** @weaverbel
**[ GitHub Repo ]** https://github.com/data-lessons/librarycarpentry
**[ Track ]** Tools: you are building a tool others can help you build, Open Educational Resource: …