Hi, thanks so much for this! Its super cool to have fabric-like functionality directly in Obsidian!
I was curious if you had considered adding context file functionality?
This would allow for grea…
JIRA Issue: [KIEKER-534] Web site header also for Trac?
Original Reporter: Andre van Hoorn
I've seen project Tracs that are integrated into project web site, especially in terms of the layout. O…
If some member shared a note, from the app is not possible to reply, while from web page yes, same thing about emoticons that are not allowed to use.
Thanks for support
``` ruby
unless FileTest.exist?(File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), '../../../tmp/emoticon.yaml')) and
The text mentions
> Which means O_O and OWO are the only emoticons that are also valid environment variable names.
But it seems D8, DX and XP are also valid ( from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
Hello i just downloaded and installed the android font from git commit 73ecc8d.
However a lot of emoticons fall back to the standard black and white one.
I have created an image based on screenshots …
Like modern IM apps, mouse over existing messages and give the option to send an emoticon from a list
JIRA Issue: [KIEKER-768] TraceAnalysisTool can't handle ZIP files
Original Reporter: Jan Waller
Currently, the TraceAnalysisTool can't handle monitoring logs prduced by the zip writers.
The sp…
When emoticon ins't separate by space, only first is noticable by wiki parser,
next emoticon is parse as special symbols.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `luk.…
@ankushsachdeva : Thanks for the wonderful library. I have used this library in android application and it is working like a charm in my application. The Emoji keyboard is very helpful to show and pos…