Potentially begin adding provenance information to metadata records during curation. We could target two of the provenance FAIR checks, "Provenance Process Stepcode Present" and "Provenance Trace Pres…
Which now lists CC-BY but that is just the license of the website, but some interpret it as the license for the software too (actually feedback).
I updated the BridgeDb.org website, clarifying the …
egonw updated
5 years ago
Can ya'll make a Android and or iOs app for LedFx to run on these devices, would be SOO DAMN COOL!, not having to have a PC or Rpi, some kick-ass app! maybe even install in a car?!
Can this be inst…
I'll admit it, one of the things that sways my opinion of any online software project is the presence of a sleek logo. In some ways it's vein, but a good logo can also give a great first impression of…
- [ ] Page 0:
- intro page seems generic across repronim, not really lesson specific? Doesn't seem to match the outline at the top
- put real timing estimates :)
- [ ] Page 1:
- a LOT of tex…
gkiar updated
5 years ago
The whole point is to "gift" PRs to other open-source projects, right?
Just look at this: https://24pullrequests.com/mergers and https://24pullrequests.com/users Try to find a person who actually …
Submitting Author Name: Name
Submitting Author Github Handle: @etam4260
Other Package Authors Github handles: (comma separated, delete if none)
Repository: https://github.com/etam4260/rhud
this repo ships [Enhanced DEBUG](https://sites.google.com/site/pcdosretro/enhdebug) even though it is nonfree, noted on its page as follows:
> NOTE: This is standalone software which is f…
* Extension version: 7.0.109
* Browser name & version: Chrome, 72.0.3626.121 (x64)
* Operating system & version: Windows 10, 17763.379
I think the data above isn't relevant for this request.
Currently it's not clear how to make a configuration change, like for example you want 120 characters per line instead of 79. Where does this information go?
I propose we add `.pylintrc` from [`how…