- [ ] Need help with building a light client?
- [ ] How to write a smart contract?
- [ ] How to deploy it?
- [ ] How to use the faucet for test Gram's?
## Feel free to ask everything below!
The “List of Fift stack value types” section of the documentation states that `String` is a UTF-8 string, however, apparently, there are no primops for working with UTF-8 string, so it is impossible t…
The FunC code
int test() method_id {
int i = 0;
int f = true;
while (f) {
i = i + 1;
if (i > 5) {
return 1;
f = (i * i != 64);
return -1;
For example, when you try to convert string (> 1023 bits) to slice, interpreter crashes:
root@19379b75ee42:/data/build# echo '"" { +"A" } 128 times $>s' | fift
terminate called after throwing a…
ghost updated
5 years ago
The following func code
int flags = 1; ;; pending
int _expires = now() + expires * 3600 * 24 * 1;
is compiled into
s0 s3 XCHG
3600 P…
Here's the sample fift code
"Asm.fif" include
main PROC:
}END>s constant code
constant storage
When I try to run create state in the latest commit, I'm getting an error from the fift script CreateState
[ 1][t 0][1571676161.116434336][words.cpp:2906] CreateState.fif:194: pubkey>$: -?
[ 1][t …
The FunC code
() recv_internal(slice in_msg) impure {
() recv_external(slice in_msg) impure {
var cs = in_msg;
var msg_seqno = cs~load_uint(32);
var ds = get_data().begin_parse();
The following FunC code
if (cs.slice_refs()) {
int i = -1;
i = i + 1;
} until(i > 10);
.store_uint(stored_seqno + 1, 32)
I'm working from commit 9c9248a9ae1791152d88c9c36574b4becdf5e8b6
If I try to run the gen-zerostate script, I get an error on line 7.
[ 1][t 0][1571253062.931130171][words.cpp:2906] gen-zerostate…