zellij --version: `zellij 0.41.0`
Terminal version: `foot version: 1.18.1 +pgo +ime +graphemes -assertions`
Operating system: `Linux 6.10.10-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC x86_64 GNU/Linux`
You have a number of double parsing tests that are beyond the JSON specification and not a good test of library robustness. The Glaze library errors in these cases because they are nonsensical inputs …
When creating a new entry, floating label for switch is above switch-icon for values **true** and **false**.
When using an existing entry, floating label overlaps the switch-icon for value **false**,…
As shown in this [colab](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1XjoAtDP4SC2qyLWslW8qWzqQusn9eDOu?usp=sharing), the kernel, not the program, crashes if the OneDNN OPT is on and the output tensor shap…
The composer feature is great!
It would be so much better, if one could move the window outside the boundaries of the main window.
I am not able to use composer on a second screen.
![2024-10-21_18 16 00](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/ff504514-afd4-4ac9-9287-44281ee1ce4a)
Yeah that's uh. That's there.
This is Halls of the Blameless, the room between the doub…
Is there a way to get the floating panel's location and size so that we can set the content insets accordingly on the mapView? The floating panel resizes and changes location based on device size and …
The current version of the breadcrumbs was confusing for the users because breadcrumbs are not showing on the page when the user scrolls down.
**Suggested solution:**
is there a plan to migrate from popper.js to floating-ui?
We know floating GUI are possible, that's HUDs. Menus are just floating HUDs with control taken away from he character. What we don't know is if we can float a GUI in XYZ space and all…