I'm working with a pannable and zoomable **ScrollViewer** which contains multiple elements you can move around and an **InkCanvas** on top where you can draw.
The issue that we are having is that, wh…
What is the suggested update process? If none, how would you like to go to update a project created with Canvas?
The Ink example includes [code to handle erasing](https://github.com/Microsoft/Win2D/blob/3789e829c318198c17e8949b9447f29036823299/samples/ExampleGallery/UAP/InkExample.xaml.cs#L111-L122), but the `In…
Actually I was fiddling with the Win2D Example Gallery. Was trying to change the InkExample to use the AnimatedCanvasControl. I was able to add some simple effects and get the ink animated. But I can'…
I'm Santiago Montero a developer from MURAL. We are trying to get our hands on the Composite API to improve performance in our product. We have tried it out already and we have a few questions.
When drawing on a standard InkCanvas, the ink looks the same regardless of Windows UI scaling settings (it looks the same on 100% versus say 125%). When drawing ink on a CanvasRenderTarget, however, t…
It seems that Win2D renders ink much blurrier than DirectInk's InkCanvas when running on low resolutions. According to my experience, it seems like the issue only appears when you're running on a reso…