lumen 5.4
Latest Dingo
I found an issue with problem : no method "onceBasic" in RequestGuard.php
"message": "Call to undefined method Illuminate\\Auth\\RequestGuard::onceBasic()"…
"message": "Method validateResolved does not exist.",
"file": "/var/www/app/vendor/illuminate/support/Traits/Macroable.php",
"line": 96,
"trace": [
"0 /var…
gitkv updated
5 years ago
On Dragon Realm, with a lumen alveary booster, the dynamic temperature and humidity effects have not been working consistently. I got it to very briefly work for a few seconds, but after that it stopp…
[2018-01-11 13:33:55] lumen.INFO: Job Performed: unplugged [] []
[1:33 PM]
[2018-01-11 13:33:55] lumen.ERROR: ErrorException: unlink(csvOutput1515677612.csv): No such file or directory in /app/…
I've realised after installing version 1.6.0 with homebrew that running `lumen -V` would result in saying `lumen 1.5.0`. I've run into a similar issue before, I've resolved it by forcing an update to …
### What problem does your feature solve?
Adding an instruction on how to initial fund a stellar account on mainnet. On Stellar, a keypair isn't valid unless it's funded. Some wallets and excha…
New to Lumen and trying to use this. Getting following error in Lumen 5.7
Access level to Mpociot\Couchbase\Eloquent\Model::getDateFormat() must be public (as in class Illuminate\Database\Eloquent…
I install the latest version 1.1 as:
1) module load intel/15.0.5 fftw/3.2 mkl/11.4.1 openmpi/1.6.5
1) ./configure FC=ifort F77=ifort --enable-open-mp --enable-time-profile --wit…
I'm trying to use laravel-zeromq with bitcoind on laravel-lumen framework. Already installed composer-package and setup for config, ServiceProvider and Alias.
But after starting CLI-Command which s…
Make lumen work even when back-end is broken at the beginning of a session or invalid model is inserted as default model