### Problem definition
I fired up 3 nodes yesterday and closed them down for the night. Then started them again this morning, but using the https://t02.testtransport.raiden.network/ server instead of…
It may be time to rethink how iRuby displays arrays.
Matrix rendering with MathJax is beautiful. However, it is not appropriate when displaying large sized arrays or matrices. In the worst case, th…
Dear @spond,
I ran GARD with the following command line to obtain the nexus file with predicted multiple tree topology: HYPHYMPI gard --rv GDD --rate-classes 3 --alignment OG271.cds.msa.fa
I ran…
[1] pry(main)> n = NMatrix.new [2, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, -7, 0]
[2] pry(main)> n[0,0]
=> 1.0
[3] pry(main)> n[1,3]
=> 0.0
[4] pry(main)> n[1,2]
=> -7.0
[5] pry(main)> n = NMatrix.new…
Atlas uses [clapack_getrf](https://github.com/SciRuby/nmatrix/blob/9a25bb0d579874834e92590700d5b5540d2295bf/ext/nmatrix_atlas/math_atlas.cpp) and clapack_getri
Lapacke uses [lapacke_getrf](https://gi…
ruby version: 2.6.3
system: ubuntu
nmatrix version: 0.2.4
Just requiring nmaxtrix results in:
3: from /home/jedld/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3@grabai/gems/nmatrix-0.2.4/lib/nmatrix.rb:28:in `'
jedld updated
5 years ago
1. It's not obvious how the affine transformation matrix…
I'm trying to port a simple code for GPU-CUDARt. There is a simple matrix multiplication using the `Eigen` library. Well, I can compile but I got the following error during the execution: `ter…
ITK 5.1
It seems that
`std::ostream & operator