Explain the Impact on Society and Ethical Considerations by video processing models
**[ UUID ]** 10125da5-c255-4c6b-8fd2-5063edd4a4b5
**[ Session Name ]** Open digital microscopy
**[ Primary Space ]** Open Innovation
**[ Secondary Space ]** Digital Inclusion
**[ Submitter's Name …
Dear Abhinay
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Ameen Kandathil, and I am a high school sophomore passionate about improving healthcare access through technology. I came across your wor…
### Version
### DataCap Applicant
### Project ID
### Data Owner Name
European Union
### Data Owner Country/Region
### Data Owner Industr…
### Data Owner Name
### Data Owner Country/Region
### Data Owner Industry
Life Science / Healthcare
### Website
### Social Media Handle
### Social …
# Project Details
[Beckn protocol](https://becknprotocol.io/) is a set of open specifications aimed to create a common language, that is machine-readable and enables interoperability for economic tra…
## Current Status
- [see slack thread ](https://dsva.slack.com/archives/C909ZG2BB/p1689953063945229)
- [Agile Six Technologies Mail - RE_ Discussion around DMND0007102 has changed to state …
mtcA6 updated
1 month ago
# Prerequisites
- [x] I have searched [open](https://github.com/ci-fhir-r4/Issues/issues) and [closed](https://github.com/ci-fhir-r4/Issues/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed) issues to m…
Since public money is used to both create conditions for a variety of mental health conditions (e.g. PTSD, TBI, suicide) to develop and pay for their subsequent research and treatment, it's in the pub…
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## Recommendations
_Last analysis: Feb 09 | Next scheduled analysis: Feb 13_
### Open
- h…