Firstly, thanks for this filters: its is very useful! 🥇
Being able to place the TOC where you want is particularly useful. I would love to see this filter extended to included a List of Fi…
List of tables, list of equations, list of figures, and list of listings are needed in all writers, not just LaTeX. These are important elements in any technical or scientific paper and report, as imp…
Awsome job on this! I am wondering if you see this being used in jupyter md? Thanks a lot in advance!
There are some minor issues of the html output of theorem div. I am using quarto v0.3.114 on mac os.
A minimal example:
::: {#thm-line}
The equation of any straight line, called a linear…
I was wondering if you would consider adding support for native numbering for DOCX outputs. A similar request for `pandoc-fignos` can be seen here:
Thanks for this nice package, it looks neat and seems easy to use so far.
Would it be possible to integrate for example [Bibliography.jl](https://github.com/Azzaare/Bibliography.jl) to have a Publi…
Failing GHC v9.2.8. Configuration works but it fails immediately when it begins compiling.
`: cannot satisfy -package-id pandoc-`
### Bug description
In a quarto BOOK,
if you crossref from an unnumbered section, crossref abbreviation do not work in HTML output (PDF works fine).
To be clear, we are crossrefing to numbered sec…
1. 关于sidenote 和 marginote的调用
[EditorConfig](https://editorconfig.org/) has a binary easily installed with Homebrew. This binary takes a path and splits out the config for that file. Build something around this and `find` or `fd` …