In the readme it says "Change rcnn path in init.m". But in `init.m` file there is no where to set it.
@XiaozhiChen Hi, Xiaozhi. I used your program to create the resnet50's train.prototxt and test.protxt, then trained with faster-rcnn. And I got a very low result on voc2007, about 0.47, even lower tha…
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为了将faster rcnn转为onnx模型,考虑先使用export_model.py导出,运…
when i train with voc2007, i found th rpn_box always 0. like:
[session 1][epoch 1][iter 0/5011] loss: 10.1020, lr: 1.00e-03
fg/bg=(12/244), time cost: 1.131177
I'm trying to reproduce PointRCNN. I downloaded the KITTI Dataset and pertained weights from README.md in configs/point_rcnn (point_rcnn_2x8_kitti-3d-3classes_20211208_151344.pth). In point_rc…
Hey, for the pretrained **receptacle Mask RCNN**, where is the corresponding label set (classes) that contains the **32** categories?
The `alfworld_receptacles` variable contains 38 classes, and up…
Axe-- updated
11 months ago
I'm trying to run faster rcnn resnet inception v2 on a cloud TPU instance, I know that there is no config in the object detection API that is compatible with TPUs, but I am getting always the followin…
先使用PaddleDetection 中自带export_model 代码导出为inference_model
this is the error when running in docker the command I use is `mmdet2trt ~/space/mmdetection/configs/faster_rcnn/faster-rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py checkpoints/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco_20200130-047c811…
为什么用mmdetection复现的结果还不如sparse rcnn