as per ~~https://w3resource.com/PostgreSQL/split_part-function.php~~ https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-string.html, Table 9.10, **split_part** function
Apply this diff
diff --git i/examples/postgres/migrations/m0005_reference_complex.rs w/examples/postgres/migrations/m0005_reference_complex.rs
index 7ed796a..72264a4 100644
--- i/example…
Des del Servei de BD ens indiquen que hi ha una consulta SQL que fa GUSITE que és millorable quant a rendiment de l'aplicació i ens recomanen valorar si crear un índex compost a la taula GUS_MENU per …
### Description
I'm having performance issues where a query that takes ~6 seconds in Snowflake takes more than 60 seconds in the SQl runner.
SEe thread here: https://lightdash-community.slack.com…
您好,博主,祝你事业蒸蒸日上,请问可以给一份mysql数据库脚本吗,to => jyao2022@126.com
### Description of feature
The Pipeline could provide an SQL database as result. The requirements of the relational datamodel are already in place and the db would enhance the results of this pipelin…
stuff like enum need to be added
This issue was auto filed by Sentry. It represents a crash or reported error on a live cluster with telemetry enabled.
Sentry Link: [https://cockroach-labs.sentry.io/issues/6082306353/?referrer=webho…
I have a mysql sql dump of 17GB which I am trying to import using TablePlus. It gets stuck when it reaches 8GB of progress and there is no activity by the TablePlus app in activity monitor in the macb…
## Feature Request
Currently, ShardingSphere's support for `SQL Server` SQL parsing is not comprehensive enough. Therefore, we are planning to enhance the support for `SQL Server` SQL parsing in S…