### Type of feature
📦 Chore
### Current behavior
Currently there is nothing checking for stuff like an acronym being used before it's defined in documentation.
I came across this while reviewing…
These are the core templates - without which we cannot release any translated chapters. They are in the [language specific templates directory](https://github.com/HTTPArchive/almanac.httparchive.org/t…
**Describe the bug**
The sentence with obvious splits doesn't get split, it appears to be due to a missing first double quote at the beginning.
This is worrying because history sh…
# 概要
優先したい表記を "である" または "ですます" で指定(固定)した場合に、エラーメッセージの内容が分かりづらく、混乱します。チームメンバーがエラーを解消できず、「なぜエラーなのか分かりません。どうすればいいですか?」とよく聞かれます。
related #21
## 詳細
弊チームで [textlint-rule-p…
Support for spell checking, there are several packages that can implement spell checking in electron, It would be really helpful
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Repository problems
These pr…
**What version of textlint are you using?**
**What file type (Markdown, plain text, etc.) are you using?**
[MDX](https://mdxjs.com/) via [@textlint/textlint-plugin-markdown](htt…
- stars > 10
- not archived
- has `package.json`
- has `package-lock.json`
- hasn't `yarn.lock`
- hasn't `pnpm-lock.yaml`
- `package-lock.json` was updated less than 6 months ago
- is …
### 概要
- やさしい日本語の対応を進めたいが、可能な限り自動化していきたい
- CI でドキュメントや文言リソースの自動チェック・校正ができると嬉しい
### 参考文献
- http://www4414uj.sakura.ne.jp/Yasanichi1/nsindan/
- https://tsutaeru.cloud/translation/try.html
- https:…
I get an error when trying to install textlint-rule-aws-service-name in a project using npm v10.x.
$ node -v
$ npm -v
$ npm init
$ npm install textlint-rule-aws-service-na…