Our codebase has some built in redis connection pooling, which utilizes the `redis` gem for connections. I see when you pass a URL, connections are now established with `redis-client`.
For cases wh…
I'm converting what used to be a 1.0 roadmap note into an issue so that we can have a bit more discussion but still track it on the Roadmap board. I don't think you can link discussions to projects, b…
### Tell us about your environment
**Ruby Version:** 3.2.2
**Framework Version (RSpec, Minitest, FactoryGirl, Rails, whatever):** RSpec 3.12, Rails 7.0.8
**TestProf Version:** 1.2.3
The do…
## Error in Zync
**Keycloak::AuthenticationError** in **app/adapters/keycloak.rb:226**
execution expired
[View on Bugsnag](https://app.bugsnag.com/3scale-networks-sl/zync/errors/59a3d12753514b00183c…
# Summary
Iiif Print is not splitting.
PS. This is working for Hyku.
ref :thread:
- https://assaydepot.slack.com/archives/C0311DNF3MG/p1719325961685879
This is blocking us from pushing the embar…
Every time a new ticket is created via e-mail the notification and the welcome user e-mail fails to send.
When the Ticket is submitted via web interface this works fine.
The same happens if an age…
The following part of the README:
The [Devise README](https://github.com/plataformatec/devise#activejob-integration) describes how to use ActiveJob to deliver emails in the background. Normal…
> Redmine uses ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter as default queue adapter which is [not recommended](https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveJob/QueueAdapters/AsyncAdapter.html) for production …
Is this gem working? I tried to set this up but when consuming a file pointer created by this agent with a POST agent, I get the following error:
No such file or directory @ rb_file_s_size - l…
I'm using ActionMailer to deliver mails on model creation. My controller code looks like this:
``` ruby
if @flaw.save
render :show, status: :created