``` r
performance::performance(lme4::lmer(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length + (1 | Species), data = iris))
#> # Indices of model performance
#> AIC | BIC | R2_conditional …
Hey @marksorel8, I added a [directory](https://github.com/marksorel8/Wenatchee-screw-traps/tree/master/src/Stan_demo) containing Stan code, example data (from the Tucannon) and a self-contained R scri…
I have searched for an explanation of the evidence ratios used in the one sided hypothesis tests in brms, but I don't see that there's any previous history of the density of posterior > 0 over the den…
I have applied the polytomous analysis on my dataset consisting of 7 groups and each group with a replicate. The results are in a tabular form for all the genes.
I would like to know on the basi…
Ref: SPAM06
*This proposal was original created by @ahukkanen and available at
*There are a couple changes introduced by @de…
I am looking at Bayesian model averaging to allow us to add structural uncertainty into management quantities such as %b0 etc,
In order to do this we need to approximate the normalizing constant th…
I'm encountering an issue when performing a t-test with pingouin. The problem is that in some cases, the Bayes factors cannot be computed and the code crashes, which is not very useful. Would i…
I was running through the vignette provided for changeofevidence, line by line, and when I got to the independent groups example, the example line seems to hang:
> bf.between
## Summary
Support Redis sharding (hash slots) exclusively for per_user bayes (statistics)
## Motivation
Get a better level of statistics quality per_user by having the option to store it…
My issue is about the [gaussian kde](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.gaussian_kde.html). I wanted to run an example of multivariate kernel density estimation I saw…