Add analysis of correlation matrix transforms
* [ ] implement Stan's correlation matrix transform as a Stan program
* [ ] implement the alternative from @adamhaber used in TensorFlow and discussed…
Thank you for this wonderful tool. The regression command usually requires covariates to run the model. Is there an option to exclude the covariates when running the regression?
### Description
Currently the Eigenvalues of the original correlation matrix are reported, i.e., these are the Eigenvalues associated with principal components and not common factors. Therefore, I su…
Define the applications needed following the different steps of the study:
1. gamma-ray data selection
2. gamma-ray maps production (counts maps, intensity maps, foreground subtraction,...)
3. matt…
Should include metrics, plots, correlation analysis for daily values with the ability to filter by date
create feature analysis class to give an overview of the variables, their distribution and their correlations.
After applying the mask there still NaNs. Such NaNs due to issue:
will be set to 0.0 and therefore affect correlation analysis.
## Describe the task
So far I have made a correlation matrix for the CEJST thresholds and have begun the process of collapsing thresholds by category.
* correlation matrix:
Blurb / summarize this: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.08.02.606405v1.full.pdf
I am not sure if CCA analysis include removing correlation step. Check it and make proper.