Hi Chris,
thanks a lot for your implementation. I'm trying to test it with my velux rollershutters.
So i added them with the web GUI to the list.
I installed node.js on rasperry pi and then your…
Der Adapter steuert das KLF-200 Interface an und kann mittels im Adapter hinterlegter Szenen z.B. die Fenster öffnen oder schließen.
I am running HASSBIAN which is all updated.
I have purchased a Velux KLF200 and went to install the vellum component but when I check the yaml config it reports it cannot load it.
Failed …
WARNING: Could not parse product: Roller shutter
How can i help you with this to test?
I can only grab window 0 and 1 but i have 4 device 2 shuutter and 2 window.