_Possible follow-up to #327._
Hey Vincent,
Stata's `margins` command has an interesting `vce(unconditional)` option. The essential idea is to account for sampling variation when calculating stan…
In many cases when working with linear models, one has a model like `y ~ 1 + a + b:c` and you want to test a hypothesis like "`y` at `a = a1` is significantly different from `y` at `a = a2` (with the …
The current implementation of `rulefit` can sometimes produce redundant features that are then fed into the lasso. This comes from the stochastic nature of random trees and lack of rule pruning.
I would like to request a new parameter to a trained model which will strip all data before saving model for prediction purposes.
Similarly to statmodels's remove_data(), e.g.
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pennylane as qml
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
**Just A Discussion Board**
show some ideas about charts
1) a pie chart for regional sales
2) a linear graph for the prediction of game future sales
Hi, thank you for sharing your trained model. But when I use the trained model of BiSARGCN-icews14-complex, there would raise an error. It seems like model parameters in the code are not match with …
Try using things like Neural Networks or Linear Models to calculate the stock well being prediction. Need to update it from the basic calculation it is making now.
In the page 14 of the paper,
> For evidence extraction we apply 2 layer feedforward networks on top of the representations corresponding to sentence and paragraph tokens to get the correspondi…
# 🐛 Bug
Fantasization / conditioning model on new data points renders the model unexportable to TorchScript/not traceable with JIT. Models cannot be JIT traced/exported to Torchscript once `get_fan…