I think it would be a grand IDea to make economy more pedestrian friendly on the count of the multiple tune I've myself have been almost ran down by people walking on the side of the road
Maplewood and Eighth St is a busy intersection with motorists heading on to and off of 65. Because Maplewood is a one-way street the traffic lights are only on the Northbound side. This makes it diffi…
I'm using multi-gpu feature of carla.
I have 3 carla instances running on 3 GPU.
rgb camera(sensor.camra.rgb) is running on carla instance 1, pedestrian walks good with animation.
fisheye camera(se…
- walking
- getting crapped on and releasing a perk
( he can't be attacked by zombies, so no animation is needed )
- releasing a perk
Original issue reported on code.google.…
related paper
|Pedestrian detection is a key problem in computer vision, with several applications including robotics, surveillance and automotive safety. Much of the progress of…
# 🚀 feature request
### Description
OsmAnd (with a pedestrian profile and "More details" and "Show access restrictions and toll") will render `access=private` as pink dots along the way. And sin…
Thank you very much for providing this version of the code !
But I don't understand why the accuracy of pedestrian and cyclist is so low !
Is the parameter setting of a part of the code wrong?
at the moment, a sumo phase is "composed" by overlaying the green states from two NEMA phases.
However, pedestrian crossings are enabled in response to the absence, rather than the presence of vehi…
Currently, OM doesn't show pedestrian crossing nodes. They are helpful both for drivers and pedestrians.
example of a crossing and how it's shown in Osmand.
In line 256 and 257 of ObjLeftDetect.cpp
/* Pedestrian detector */