guanfuchen / objdet

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Pedestrian Detection: A Benchmark #7

Open guanfuchen opened 5 years ago

guanfuchen commented 5 years ago

related paper

Pedestrian detection is a key problem in computer vision, with several applications including robotics, surveillance and automotive safety. Much of the progress of the past few years has been driven by the availability of challenging public datasets. To continue the rapid rate of innovation, we introduce the Caltech Pedestrian Dataset, which is two orders of magnitude larger than existing datasets. The dataset contains richly annotated video, recorded from a moving vehicle, with challenging images of low resolution and frequently occluded people. We propose improved evaluation metrics, demonstrating that commonly used perwindow measures are flawed and can fail to predict performance on full images. We also benchmark several promising detection systems, providing an overview of state-of-the-art performance and a direct, unbiased comparison of existing methods. Finally, by analyzing common failure cases, we help identify future research directions for the field.
guanfuchen commented 5 years ago


guanfuchen commented 5 years ago



guanfuchen commented 5 years ago

